(1) 亀の甲羅からヒントを得たH君は、警察が自分の身を守るために使える盾を作り、(2) Y君は、自分の好きな動物の中からキツネザルの手を選んで、大きなものをつかんだり運べるようにし、 (3) S君はオオカミに興奮し、オオカミの足の形をした運搬ロボットを作ることにしました。みんなそれぞれに素晴らしい考えでよく頑張りました。
For our latest science project we talked about biomimicry (Getting inspiration from nature to improve peoples lives).
Our students looked at different animals and copied one body part to help people in their life.
(1) Inspired by a turtle shell H. made a shield that could be used by the police to protect themselves. (2) Choosing one of his favorite animals Y. copied a lemurs‘ hand, which could could be used on a robot to grab and carry big things. (3) S. was really excited about wolves. So he decided to make a transport robot with legs shaped like wolf legs.
Great Job everyone!
P.s.: Did you know that the shape of the Shinkansen train was designed after the beak of a king fisher (bird)?